Miami is home to thousands of Venezuelans who left their land in search of the American dream. Many of these immigrants try to obtain legal status in the United States through the different options offered by the country's immigration system, but the most common among this community is the application for the asylum process. In today's blog, we are going to be talking about President Trump's executive order suspending deportations of Venezuelans to their country of origin.
As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, many of the Venezuelans choose to submit an asylum application. When the process is denied administratively, it is presented in front of a court, and if the immigration judge who heard your case denies the benefit sought with asylum, a deportation order will also be issued against the person who applied for asylum. On his last day in the Oval Office, former President Trump signed an executive order, which establishes an 18-month moratorium on all deportations of Venezuelan citizens. The reason behind the signing of this order was the precarious political and economic situation in Venezuela. The measure will benefit more than 145,000 Venezuelans who were at risk of being removed to their country of origin. This order benefits all Venezuelans who are in the United States, on January 20, 2020, with the exception of those who are subject to extradition, are inadmissible under immigration law, or were deported before this date. But what benefits does this executive order actually bring? The DED, or Deferred Enforced Departure, is a temporary exception to removal and deportation processes from designated countries. Currently the two countries designated to receive this benefit are Liberia and Venezuela. The designation of countries for the DED corresponds solely and exclusively to the president. This means that for eighteen (18) months the deportations of Venezuelans will not be carried out, and they will be authorized to remain in the country. One of the benefits conferred by DED is the application for a work permit. If you are a Venezuelan citizen, and you do not have a work permit, you can request one from the administrative entity, and it will be valid as long as the designation of your country as DED is in force. The procedure to request employment authorization must be outlined by the administrative entity, in this case USCIS. However, as of yet, USCIS has not provided guidance on how to perform this procedure. DED recipients will not be able to leave the United States. Remember that this is only a benefit to avoid deportation, however it does not confer legal status. If it is necessary for you to leave the country, you will have to request an advance parole or an exit and entry permit from the corresponding entity. Until such permission is approved, DED beneficiaries will not be able to leave the country, at the risk of not being able to re-enter. If you are Venezuelan, and you want to know more about the benefits of this new presidential order, call us today. Y. Morejon Attorney, P.A. is a firm that specializes in immigration cases and we can help you with yours. The first consultation is free. In Y. Morejon Attorney, P.A. your problem is our problem.
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